Creating a new post, making SEO is not a big thing but. Sharing the new post to all social media is a really big problem.
Sharing the new post to social media by manually is time-consuming.
In this article, I explain to you how to automated post the new article in all social media.
There are many service providers or plugins are available on the internet. I used many of them but now I stuck to FS Poster.
FS Poster Gives You A Great Opportunity To Auto-Publish WordPress Posts On The Most Popular Social Networks Automatically. By Making Use Of FS Poster You Will Also Be Able To Schedule Posts, Re-Publish Previously Created Posts, And So On.
After the success of the installation process, the fs-poster was located under settings. the fs-poster dashboard looks like the image below.
Step 1: Add Facebook Account
Click add account button on the upper right side, You will see a popup and there will three options. I explain one by one.
Add account with Login & Pass
Select Login & Pass and click NEXT STEP. You will be prompt to username and password. After entering the login details click GET ACCESS TOKEN button
One more popup appears and you will be some text look like code, see image below. copy the whole text and past it into the login popup area (There will be Copy full content within opened window here)
After the paste of whole text, clicks the next step. Now you will see your Facebook account and all page you have.
Add account with Cookie method
In the cookie method, you can be sharing the post into facebook account and groups. Click add an account, select the Cookie method, click the next step now you will be asked for entering your cookies.
How to find your facebook cookie user details? Login facebook. Right clicks on the mouse. click inspect-application, next expand the cookies. click facebook URL now you will see a table. see the image below for reference
The first one is Cookie c_user, the Last one is cookie xs. copy both values and pastes it into the specified place in WordPress. After adding the values click add the account. Now you will be able to see your account and all groups of your Facebook account.
Add account with Personal App
This method is a very complicated one. and a long process. In this method, First, you need to have the facebook app.
Click add account the same as in the previous two methods. Then select the Personal App then click next step, now you will see “Select your APP” dialog box, but you have not added a facebook app yet so click the red + icon
Now you are redirected to the app section of FS-Poster. Click the add app button. But before, you must create a facebook app related to your facebook page.
Type your App name ( for example “WPWebsmartz” ) and click the “Create App ID” button.
Go to “Settings” > “Basic” and fill the form.
Click the “PRODUCTS +” link within the left menu and then, click the “Set Up” button within the “Facebook Login” section.
Select “WEB”, type “Site URL” and click the “Save” button.
This a very important step. Go to “Facebook Login” > “Settings” menu and type “Valid OAuth Redirect URL” and type enter and then, click the “Save Changes” button.
Your redirect URL is: https://YOUR_SITE/?fb_callback=1
Use your website URL in the place of “YOUR_SITE”
Go to the “App Review” > “Permission and Features” menu.
Find these permissions ( manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_to_groups, Groups API ) and the “Request” button in front of each permission.
Now back to Apps under FS-Poster. click black add app button at top right side. Paste app id and app key which is the basic section of under settings your facebook app. see image below.
After pasting both values. click add the app button. Your FB app added successfully now. Now you add FB page. Now goe to accounts. Click add account- Personal App select your page from the drop-down.
After selecting the page, click next step. now facebook asks for permission in a popup. after completing the process, your page added successfully.
2. Add Twitter Account
First, you need a twitter app. Log in to the Twitter Developers page. if you already create an app. copy and paste both App key and App Secret. If not create one.
After login to Twitter Developer console. Click create an app. Then select doing something else, Under What is your primary reason for using Twitter developer tools?
Then click next, Fill all the options on the next page which is a simple one.
Click next after filling both fields. On the next page enter only two fields, First field and Third one.
In the first field, fill the type below.
Hi Support,
We are using a WordPress plugin to share my WordPress posts on Twitter automatically. And I need to connect to my Twitter account using this App. We plan to use our granted API keys in a way that’s compliant with Twitters automation policy located here: We don’t intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct, and the methods or techniques. My use involves Tweeting, and my shares will be seen by accounts which ara on my follower list. We don’t intend to use the API to display twitter tweets inside our WordPress.
Best Regards.
In the third field, fill the type below.
My app is going to use only Tweet functionality. I want to connect my Twitter account up to my WordPress plugin using this app.
Deactivate the remaining options. Click next you will see the final review of your entries. Then click the looks good button. Accept Developer Agreement. Click the submit application button.
After creating a developer account. Now create new app in twitter. fill the form according to the image
In twitter app account Go to the “Keys and Tokens” tab within your App settings and Copy your new Application key and secret key;
Next click Add App button in the twitter section under the apps tab here in FS-Poster.
Now you will be asked to entering the App key and App Secret. Click add app, now move back twitter. in the account section click add account paste the both App Key, Secret Key then click add app.
Now some authorization dialog box popping up, click authorize app button now new twitter account will be added successfully.
3. Add Instagram Account
Login & Pass Method
Click add account then select the Login & Pass. click next. Enter user name and password
Cookie method
Log in to your Instagram account in a new tab. Right-click over the mouse. Click inspect at bottom of a popup. or hit the F12 key on the keyboard.
Enter the “” site, and log in to your Instagram account.
Press the F12 key in your keyboard and click the “Application” tab within the opened window.
Click the “Cookies” within the left menu.
Copy the value of the “session” cookie.
Paste the session cookie to the plugin and click the “ADD ACCOUNT” button.
Now Instagram account added successfully to FS-Poster.
4. Add LinkedIn account
In LinkedIn you can use FS-Poster standard app it will be connected to your LinkedIn profile and related pages as well.
Select FS-Poster standard app click get access now you will see a popup window, it will asking for login to LinkedIn. Fill username name and password to log in. After login, your profile and pages are seen on the FS-Poster dashboard.
5. add vk account
Add an account by login
VK also accessible by FS-Poster plugins standard APP just like Linkedin. After selecting Vk. click blue get access button, Now you will see a popup. Enter the username and password to log in. After login, copy the URL from popup paste it into needed place (Paste copied URL here). Now click add account, VK account added now successfully. Don’t forget to activate the account after added to the FS-Poster dashboard.
Click create app, On the next page select Website fill your Website address: (URL), Base domain: ( Click the Connect website. On the next add title of your app, Description, Icon of app, Terms and Conditions web URL, Privacy Policy web URL, click save.
Click settings, Now you will see app id Secure key. At the bottom of the page, there will be Authorized redirect URI tab to enter your blog URL here.
Now in WordPress dashboard goes to FS-Poster click apps and click vk in the sidebar. Click the add app button. Now you will prompt to fill the App Id and App Secret, fill both they is from VK settings area. Click add app after filling. App added successfully.
Click accounts-VK-Add account Select newly added app from the drop-down, click GET ACCESS button. A popup window is enabled and asking for permission, click allow and follow the same process as in the login method. Don’t forget to activate account
6. Add Pinterest account
Pinterest not allowed FS-Poste standard app, so you must create your own app.
In the Platforms section, add website URL and Redirect URIs. The callback URL format is
At the top of the page, you will see App id and App Secret. Click the show button below, for visible of app secret.
Back to WordPress. click add app button on FS-Poster dashboard after selecting of Pinterest, Fill the App id and Secret to popup then click add app button. Now the app added successfully.
Click the accounts section, Select Pinterest. Click add account select newly added app click get access. Click okay in the popup.
The Pinterest account added successfully now. You will see your Pinterest account and all boards. Activate your account and boards.
7. Add Reddit account
You can add Reddit account by FS-Poster standard app or your own app.
Add by FS-Poster standard app, After selection of Reddit click add account button. A popup window is enabled to fill your login information and click the allow button. That’s all Reddit account added successfully. If you want to add some subreddit click add subreddit button and search any you want and add it to the dashboard.
8. Add Tumblr account
Add the Tumblr account by FS-Poster standard app.
After selecting Tumblr under the account tab, click add account select FS-Poster standard app, Click get access. Now you will ask for permission. Click allow that’s all Tumblr account added successfully.
After registration click your newly created app. It will open in a new tab. There you find OAuth consumer key: and OAuth consumer secret:
Now in the FS-Poster dashboard inside WordPress go on Tumblr under the app. Click add app, fill both fields you are copied from OAuth consumer key: and OAuth consumer secret. click add app. App added now successfully.
Under the account section select Tumblr, click add account, select newly built app from the drop-down. Click get access,
In a popup window click allow. Now Tumblr account added successfully.
Activate your Tumblr account in FS-Poster dashboard
9. Add Google account by cookie SID,
First, you need to log out any other unwanted google accounts. Login only to your account.
Right-click on the mouse then click inspect – Application spread the Cookies and click over the URL (
Copy the cookie SID, Cookie HSID, Cookie SSID
Paste the code in the Google account. Click add account now Google account added successfully. If you have multiple accounts, activate only related accounts.
10. Settings of FS-Poster (Social auto poster)
In the settings tab, you can customize settings as you want. For best practices. Enable Auto publish new posts: Share on background: Keep shared posts log (All your shared posts saved on logs tab you can see it any time. Post interval (New post shared immediately or selected time. You are free to select any proper time).
In the general settings tab select what type post you want to auto-share.
In the URL settings tab, Short your URL while sharing the post.
IN Facebook tab select Posting type. Link card view, Upload featured image only, or Upload all post images
Load my pages: Once a new account has been added all the included ‘my’ pages will automatically be added as well. You will be able to share any posts to these pages.
Load groups: Once a new account has been added all the included groups will be automatically added as well. You will be able to share any posts to these groups.
Twitter Settings, just like facebook settings
11. How to share new posts when it published?
FS-Poster is in the sidebar of the new post area. Enable the share button. If the new post published, it will be shared automatically to selected accounts. Keep in mind only activated accounts are displayed here so activate your all accounts after adding any accounts. If you want to add deactivated accounts here simply click plus button at bottom of FS-Poster in the sidebar.
12. How to share old posts
Click the share button under FS-Poster or at top of FS-Poster dashboard. Paste any link you want to share in the link the tab. Type post message. If you want to share the post to Pinterest you must select an image. Otherwise, it does not share in Pinterest.
Schedule the post at a later time.
If want to share a post at the specified time. Click the red schedule button, a popup window become active. you can select any date to share the post or click share now button to sharing immediately. Also, add or remove accounts here is well.
13. Share Logs
Track your shares in the logs tab. You can track Hits, Likes, Comments, and Shares