WordPress Survey Plugins

Best WordPress Survey Plugins-2023

In today’s digital landscape, many websites are integrating survey forms to solicit valuable feedback from their visitors regarding products or services. WordPress, a versatile platform, facilitates the creation of surveys by allowing the installation of various plugins. The internet offers a plethora of survey plugins tailored for WordPress.

Are you eager to gauge customer sentiments and collect insights about your products or services but uncertain about the means to obtain feedback? There are numerous methods available for gathering user input on your website, such as contact forms, polls, and more. However, if you are leaning towards the survey approach, this article is tailored for you. It offers a robust solution, allowing you to tailor questions and collect information precisely as desired.

This article exclusively focuses on survey plugins designed for WordPress.

A standout survey plugin is one that is user-friendly, making it accessible even to beginners. It boasts an appealing design, ensuring ease of use. Furthermore, it enables the storage of user-entered data with export options, allowing you to save this information to your local machine or share it on your social networks. If you aspire to incorporate these comprehensive features on your website, the installation of the appropriate plugin is imperative.

Now, let’s explore some of the finest WordPress survey plugins available in the industry.”

1. Survey Maker Plugin


WordPress Survey plugin is one of the best survey maker plugins on WordPress that allows you to collect valuable data from a set of users. It is very beginner-friendly and does not require any coding skills. The plugin offers a great deal of various survey templates that are fully customizable. The only thing remaining is to write the necessary survey questions, or you can import existing question sets and customize the templates according to your needs. You can create not only usual question-answer surveys but also display them in chat mode, popup form, or create conditional surveys that will maximize the benefits of your survey. The survey maker allows you to create unlimited questions, sections, and surveys. Besides, it has the feature to make surveys anonymous, export and import surveys, get clean and detailed insights, design a contact form in a few minutes, and so on.    

The features get even more with the premium version. You can use the 22 question types, send emails to survey takers and admin, integrate Google Sheets, Zapier, Mailchimp, or other software, and many options to limit the survey taking based on attempt count, user roles, etc. Hence, if you need to create advanced surveys, do not waste your time; use the Survey Maker plugin and develop high-level surveys in an unimaginably short time.