The keyword is a big impact on SEO. Millions of dollars invested in this part of SEO. But still, find a better keyword to our website is a very tough one.
We are going to learn how to people discovered your website. Which keyword is lead them to your website. Then you will decide which keyword giving you a good ranking. And you can go with that particular keyword to get better ranking.
MonsterInsights giving you such kind of features. Shows you the keywords right inside your WordPress dashboard.
1. Why you track the keywords your blog already gets ranked?
Your blog not get ranked every post by google. It gets ranked (viewed) very fewe posts, Which means some keywords. People search google with keywords. Which keywords give you the most organic traffic. You will find all those things here.
Google is the only platform to give you organic traffic. People are using Google to find your website.
Use monsterInsights to track which keywords are lead visitors to your website easily. Google analytics bit of tough to beginners.
2. Connect you your website to Google search console
You need to connect your website to google console account. Sign in to your Google Search Console account with your Gmail account.
Enter domain your name under Domain section. Then click continue. Now it will ask you to verify domain ownership.
Easy verification method is to upload an HTML file to the root folder. Upload the HTML file then click the verify button here in Google search console.
After successful verification, click Go to Property. Click performance now you will saw all queries. The same keywords you will be able to see inside your WordPress dashboard by monsterInsights Which means Google analytics inside the WordPress dashboard.
3. How to Viewing Your Site’s Keywords in the WordPress Dashboard with MonsterInsights
First, you need to install a monsterInsights plugin. Thenyou must purchase at least the Plus plan because theSearch Console report isn’t available on the Basic plan. This plugin helps you to track your website traffic. To get a keyword report in your WordPress dashboard you must connect monsterInsights to Google Analytics account.
After connecting both monsterInsights to Google Analytics account. Head over to the Search Console report, you’ll need to navigate to Insights » Reports from your WordPress dashboard.
By default monsterInsightsplugins give you 50 results see image above screenshot. you can see Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. Position. If you want more results to click View Full Queries Report which is lead you to Google Analytics.
I think 50 results enough to track keywords, and you can work on it. Write more articles with those keywords.
You can analyze the results in the Google Analytics account or Semrush account.